Green Technology & Innovation
Editor-in-Chief: Saffa Riffat View Editorial Board

Green Technology & Innovation (GT&I) is an international, peer-reviewed, academic Open Access journal. It aims to publish high-quality, original research across both fundamental and applied aspects on a wide range of topics including sustainable/low carbon buildings, renewable energy systems, water treatment and recycling technologies, fuel cells systems, hydrogen generation, storage and carbon capture, built environment and low-carbon society, energy policy, management and control,  CO2 and environmental impacts, solar energy technologies, biomass and biofuels, other low-carbon energy technologies such as heat pumps and CHP systems and water-based renewable energy technologies such as hydro, ocean and wave.  The journal seeks to bridge the gap between pioneering research and practical applications in green technologies, fostering innovation and supporting the global transition towards greener solutions. GT&I promotes knowledge exchange through publications, conferences, and workshops, connecting experts from academia and industry worldwide.

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Green Technology & Innovation, Published by AccScience Publishing