Cognitive assessment in acute care following traumatic brain injury: A scoping review of performance-based tests

It is recommended that the assessment of cognitive function by occupational therapists is best conducted by observing the performance of everyday tasks in real-life environments. Given the constraints of acute care settings, selecting the appropriate cognition assessment for patients with traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be challenging. A scoping review was used to explore the evidence for occupation-based assessments of cognition for use with patients with TBI and explore their clinical applicability for the acute setting. Assessments were included if they focused on performance-based tests using real-life or simulated activities of daily living (ADL) or instrumental ADL tasks. From 29 identified articles, 18 occupation-based assessments of cognition were reported for use in patients with TBI. They varied in terms of time and resources required to administer, complexity, and variety of assessments. This review highlights a range of assessments of cognitive function available to patients with TBI in acute care, which support occupational therapists to use an occupation-centered approach. Issues faced by occupational therapists assessing cognitive function in the acute care setting include time and environmental constraints. A small number of portable, contemporary, and performance-based assessments relevant to younger adults warrant further investigation to determine their feasibility for use in acute care.

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