Easing transgender travel and tourism: An eventual outreach to artificial intelligence-based medical tourism

Improvements in the artificial intelligence (AI) health system have been effective in reducing the risks associated with transgender medical tourism and travel. The ability to track medical travel from the place of origin to the final treatment destination is dependent on the development of AI. This project aims to improve the AI health system to promote travel and medical tourism, utilizing quantitative research methodologies, including survey-based research and partial least squares structural equation modeling. The participants included 381 people from medical professionals, tourism experts, transgenders, and technology enthusiasts interested in AI and health. The findings show that the AI health system has significantly improved medical travel and tourism; key factors such as medical tourism, AI systems, medical travel and risk factors, attitude, behavioral intention, and medical destination image have all contributed to better healthcare experiences for transgender individuals. Specialized care should be provided to transgender individuals traveling for surgeries and medical treatments, emphasizing their unique needs. Subsequent investigations might focus on the broader function of AI, particularly in terms of ensuring the dignity and respect of the tourism site. This study proposes further integration of AI into healthcare systems to maximize the benefits of safe medical travel and secure tourist locations.
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