Influence of the Olympic winter games PyeongChang 2018 on the Korean Wave: Comparison of perceptions between Koreans and Americans

This study was designed to investigate the effects of the Olympic Winter Games PyeongChang 2018 on South Koreans’ and Americans’ perceptions of the “Korean Wave,” or Hallyu. To achieve this purpose, a survey that included questions about the awareness of Hallyu among South Koreans and Americans was conducted before and after the Olympics. The results show that the Olympics positively influenced Hallyu and that the effect was greater for Koreans than for Americans. After watching the Olympics, Koreans had a greater sense of cultural soft power and their perception of Hallyu’s influence on the United States than before they watched the Olympics. However, for American participants, enduring involvement with Hallyu was the only factor that reflected a positive influence. This study demonstrates the relationship between international mega-sport events and a host country’s perceived cultural values.
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