Internal youth migration in Uganda: Analyzing associates and employment outcomes

Youth internal migration is seen as a solution to youth unemployment, and this has resulted in over urbanization and its associated negative effects such as congestion, pollution, unemployment, underemployment, and increased crime rates. The study aimed at examining the employment status of youth migrants, assessing the relationship between demographic factors and youth internal migration, investigating the association between socio-economic factors and youth internal migration, and evaluating the association between reasons for migration and migrant employment status. The study used secondary data collected in the youth employment and migration in Eastern and Southern Africa project. In Uganda, the project was carried out in nine districts. The study focused on both men and women aged 18-35 years and a total number of 1524 respondents were interviewed. Results of the study revealed that age, residence, and region had a significant association with migration status (p≤0.05). Age, sex, number of children, region, and reasons for migration had a significant association with self-employment status of the migrant (p<0.05). Marital status, sex, and reasons for migration had an association with the possibility of a migrant youth being employed (p≤0.05). The study recommends that local governments should provide the required infrastructures, social services, and amenities to encourage youths to carry out economic activities so as to develop their places of origin.
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