Biological effects, environmental chemicals, infectious diseases, climate change, veterinary science, wildlife medicine, predatory mammals, raptorial birds, sea birds, fish, internal organs, reproductive organs, histopathology, morphology, skeletal system, bone density, immune system, endocrinology, PBPK modelling, blood biochemistry, implantation of PTT satellite transmitters, immobilization
Nanofibe/tube membrane for water and energy (H2 and solar cell) production, Membrane fouling mechanism, control and prevention, Multifunctional membrane module design, 3D printing technology, Composite membranes and membrane modules for environmental applications, Reutilization of waste into value-added product.
Sustainable development, Environmental impact assessment, chemical engineering, Spatial analysis, Environment, Wastewater treatment, Environmental pollution, SEM analysis, Process engineering, Construction materials, X-ray diffraction
Synergy optimization control of the heat & flow engineering, Carbon neutral and emission control for internal combustion power, New micro-energy power system technologies, Green energy conversion and utilization, Energy system assessment and optimization
nanomaterials synthesis (nanocrystals, carbon nanotubes, nanowires, nanoporous materials, 2D materials and polymer nanocomposites) and applications such as photocatalysis/electrocatalysis for hydrogen/ hydrogen peroxide production, CO2 conversion; nanodielectrics; rechargeable batteries
Solar thermal collectors (flat-plate, integrated and concentrating), thermosiphonic and forced circulation solar hot water systems, hybrid photovoltaic/thermal systems, computational simulation and optimization of solar systems, seawater desalination with the use of renewable energy, use of artificial intelligence systems for the performance prediction of energy and renewable energy systems, energy conservation, absorption chillers, geothermal systems and thermal performance of buildings
Sustainable nanomaterials/materials development for water and energy applications (H2, water splitting, and fuel cell), Green water treatment technology, Separation and purification techniques, Catalytic redox remediation of water pollutants (electrocatalytic and photo catalytic), Waste to waste treatment, Chemistry, Bioremediation, Extractive and adsorptive recovery of valuable materials, Sensors for pollutants, Enviroanalytical techniques
Physisorption; Ozonation; Catalyst Deactivation; Temperature Programmed Desorption; Trickle Bed Reactor; Hydrogenation; Hydrodeoxygenation; Methane; Calcination; Desulfurization
Environmental Engineering, Environmental Microbiology, Biological wastewater treatment, Environmental Biotechnology, Emerging contaminants removal
Environmental Polymer Materials Chemistry; Chemistry of High-Efficiency Adsorption Materials for Heavy and Precious Metal Ions; Polymer Materials for Water Purification; Application of Micro- and Nano-Polymer Materials in Wastewater and Exhaust Gas Treatment; Metal Ion Selective Electrode Sensors
fundamental and applied aspects of carbon materials and science, with a focus on the methodologies of producing carbon materials for energy storage and conversion, catalysis, gas separation, and environment protection
water resources engineering; agricultural water management; pollution control; wastewater treatment; decision support systems; treatment wetlands; integrated constructed wetlands; hydrology; storm water management; sustainable flood retention basins; sustainable drainage systems; permeable pavement systems; ponds
Environmental Microbiology, Waste Water Treatment, Bio remediation, Bio degradation, Waste Water Genomics
Trace air pollutant detections, Gas-phase reaction kinetics of organic pollutants, Theoretical chemical reaction kinetics, NMR determination of organic components in atmospheric aerosols
Environmental Chemistry, Advanced Oxidation Processes, Wastewater Treatment, Air Pollution Management, Solar Energy Conversion
electrocatalysis; fuel cell; biosensor; biological detection and electrochemical analysis; multi-functional hydrogel; lanthanide fluorescent nanomaterials
Environmental risk assessment and remediation of PFAS, Transport and fate of emerging contaminants in the environment, Environmental health and safety of engineered nanomaterials
ioremediation of Liquid, Solid and Gaseous Waste, Biofuel, Monitoring and Physicochemical Characterization of Black Carbon in Indo Gangatic Plane, Green Technology, Process Control, Physicochemical Characterization of Ayurvedic Formulations
Environmental and Energy Economics, Environmental Management, Policy Analysis, Sustainable Development, Ecological Civilization, Green Technology Innovation, Low-carbon Development, Environmental Regulation, Air Pollution, Resource Disparities, Carbon Trading, Carbon Productivity, Green Finance, Carbon Neutrality, Ecological Economics
Environmental and Resource Economics, Econometrics, Sustainable Development, Environmental Policy Analysis, Resource Management, Sustainability Assessment, Statistical Methods in Economics, Economic Modeling, Policy Impact Evaluation, Renewable Energy Economics, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).