ESTRO 2023: From Innovation to Implementation

AccScience Publishing

Meeting date
Dr. Anna Kirby

 ESTRO 2023, the annual congress of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, took place from 12 to 16 May in Vienna, Austria. Under the theme “From Innovation to Implementation,” the event focused on translating research into practice, reflected in state-of-the-art sessions throughout the program. With more than 6,000 delegates in attendance, the summit offered an excellent opportunity to network with industry leaders and explore the latest developments in technology, techniques, and oncology products. Congrex proudly supported this event by organising hotel accommodations, ensuring a smooth and comfortable experience for all participants.

The ambition of ESTRO to further reinforce radiation oncology as a core partner in multidisciplinary cancer care, and to guarantee accessible and high-value radiation therapy for all cancer patients who need it, was expressed in the society’s vision statement for 2030: ‘Radiation Oncology. Optimal Health for All, Together.’. After a challenging couple of years, it is more important than ever before to gather as a community to connect, share and learn.

The congress theme, From innovation to action, built on previous topics and focusses on how we translate and implement research into practice.  It was reflected throughout the programme via state-of-the-art sessions. Along with symposia, debates and teaching lectures, the scientific programme featured panel discussions and pitched sessions with the aim of increasing interaction between faculty and audience. Joint sessions with partner associations aim to connect delegates with new communities and increase the reach of the ESTRO population. Fostering the development of young radiation oncology professionals remained a top priority for ESTRO and therefore the Young Scientists track continued to provide educational activities focussed on those in the earlier stages of their careers.

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Advances in Radiotherapy & Nuclear Medicine, Electronic ISSN: 2972-4392 Published by AccScience Publishing