AccScience Publishing / AJWEP / Volume 4 / Issue 1 / DOI: 10.3233/AJW-2007-4_1_22

Kinetic of CO2 Reduction by Gliding Arc Plasma

Antonius Indarto1
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1 Korea Institute of Science & Technology, Clean Technology Research Center P.O. Box 131, Cheongryang, Seoul 130-650, Korea
AJWEP 2007, 4(1), 191–194;
Submitted: 24 March 2006 | Accepted: 9 October 2006 | Published: 1 January 2007
© 2007 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution -Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC-by the license) ( )

Decomposition of carbon dioxide (CO2) by gliding arc plasma was examined. The plasma device consisted of two triangular stainless steel plates. The gas entered through a nozzle tube from the upstream cylinder reactor and exit at a downstream of the reactor. The effect of total gas flow rates have been used to study the chemical process reaction in gliding plasma system. The model of active-chemical kinetic of CO2 decomposition was developed to investigate the pathways of plasma reactions. Experimental results indicate the conversion of CO2 reached 18% at the total gas flow rate of 1.5 × 10–5 m3 s –1 and produced CO and O2 as the final products.

gliding arc
kinetic reaction
Conflict of interest
The authors declare they have no competing interests.

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Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Electronic ISSN: 1875-8568 Print ISSN: 0972-9860, Published by AccScience Publishing