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Editorial Board
Saffa Riffat
Head of the Institutes of Building Technology and Sustainable Energy Technology, University of Nottingham, Nottingham,UK

Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Sustainable Urban Development, Climate Change Mitigation, Carbon Capture, Low-Carbon Technologies, Green Roofs, Renewable Energy (Solar, Wind, Biomass).

Executive Editor
Upaka Rathnayake
Department of Civil Engineering and Construction, Faculty of Engineering and Design, Atlantic Technological University, Sligo, Ireland

Combined Sewer Networks, Stormwater Modelling, Hydrologic and Hydraulic Modelling, Climate Change

Associate Editors
Ziwei Chen
Department of Architecture and Built Environment, University of Nottingham, UK

Green Energy Technology, Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Battery Storage Solutions, Phase Change Materials (PCM), Smart Grids, Energy System Integration, Clean Energy Solutions for Rural Electrification

James Riffat
Department of Architecture and Built Environment,University of Nottingham, Nottingham,UK

Renewable Energy Systems, Urban Heat Island Mitigation, Water Management in Smart Cities, Circular Economy, and Life Cycle Assessment.

Editorial Board Members
Mardiana Idayu Ahmad
School of Industrial Technology,Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Pinang,Malaysia

Renewable Energy Systems, Energy Policy, Sustainable Energy Transition in Southeast Asia.

Khalil Ahmad
Department of Chemistry, Emerson University Multan, Multan, Pakistan

Metal Organic Frameworks, Water Purification, Heavy Metals Removal, Organic Ligands, Transition Metal Complexes, Biological Activities

Awais Ahmad
Department of Chemistry, The University of Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan
Amit Awasthi
Department of Physics, University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehra Dūn, India

Atmospheric Sciences, Climate Change, Extreme Events, Exposure Studies, Air-Quality Measurements, and GIS & AI techniques

Rohit B. Meshram
CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (NML), Jamshedpur, India

Life cycle assessment (LCA), waste recycling, heat and mass transfer etc.

Abubakr Bahaj
University of Southampton, Southampton, UK

Renewable Energy, Energy and Buildings, Energy for Development, Environmental Impacts, Microgeneration Technologies, Water Quality and Supply Management

Rangan Banerjee
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

Energy Management, Modeling of Energy Systems, Energy Planning and Policy, Hydrogen Energy, Fuel Cells, Integrated Renewable Energy Systems for Rural Areas

Michele Bottarelli
Applied Physics and Nuclear Engineering,University of Ferrara,  Ferrara, Italy

Green Retrofitting, Life Cycle Assessment, Low-Impact Building Materials.

Salvatore Carlucci
The Cyprus Institute, Cyprus

Building Physics, Indoor Environmental Quality, Thermal Comfort, Building Performance, Energy Efficient Designs to Combat Water Stress

Constantinos Cartalis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece

Environmental and Climate Physics, Climate Vulnerability Assessment, Climate Change Adaptation, Impacts of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage, Policies for Environmental Sustainability

Yulong Ding
University of Birmingham, UK

Thermal Energy Storage, Liquid Air Energy Storage, Process Intensification, Heat Transfer Fluids, Particle Technology, Multiphase and Multiscale System Modeling, Clean Cooking Technologies

Muhammad Ehsan
Technical Agricultural College, State of Tlaxcala, Mexico

Soil chemistry, phytoremediation of soil heavy metals, Lupinus species, soil science, climate change

Francesco Fiorito
University of New South Wales, Australia

Facade Engineering and Design, Smart Materials in Architecture, Building Energy Efficiency, Sustainable and Low-impact Building Materials

Gagné François
Aquatic Contaminant Research Divison, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Gatineau, Canada

Water Quality, Environmental Toxicology, Oxidative Stress, Heavy Metals, Environment, Lipids, Rivers, Environmental Pollution

Jie Ji
University of Science and Technology of China, China

New and Renewable Energy, Combined Heating and Power, Combined Cooling, Heating and Power, Low Carbon Emission Technologies, Intelligent Building Technologies, SCADA and Data Center Management, HVAC&R, Building Energy Flow Simulation and Optimization, Green Building Technologies, Sustainable Waste Management System

Nadeem Ahmad Khan
Mewat Engineering College (WAQF) Civil Engineering Department, Mewat Engineering College Nuh, Haryana, India

Water Analysis, Budgeting & Resource Management, Transportation Engineering, Water Treatment

Ali Kilicarslan
Hitit University, Turkey

Thermodynamics, Heating, Cooling, and Air Conditioning Systems, Development of Clean and Efficient Heating Solutions

Chee Kong YAP
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Ecotoxicology, Environmental Pollution, Heavy metal pollution, Biomonitoring, Risk assessments

Katarzyna Kubiak-Wójcicka
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Spatial Management, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland

Droughts, Floods, Water Management, Water Quality and Water Law

Angui Li
Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology, China

HVAC Systems and Built Environment, Energy Efficiency in Building Systems, Environmental Protection in Underground Spaces, Sustainable Building Technologies, Technologies for Improved Indoor Air Quality and Energy Conservation

Tapas Mallick
University of Exeter, UK

Renewable Energy, Concentrating Solar Photovoltaics, Thermal Energy Storage, Integration of Solar Energy into National Grids, Addressing Water Stress with Renewable Solutions

Edward Ng
Chinese University of Hong Kong, China

Sustainable Architectural Design and Urban Planning, Urban Climatology for City Planning, Environmental and Sustainable Design, Urban Water Management Strategies

Armando Oliveira
University of Porto, Portugal

Energy Systems, Solar Energy, Thermal Energy, Sustainable Energy, Energy Efficiency in Buildings, Renewable Energy Integration, Environmental Impact Assessments, Policy Development for Sustainable Energy, Pollution Control Solutions

Mohammad Oves
Centre of Excellence in Environmental Studies, King Abdul Aziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Environmental Science, Green Nanotechnology, Pollution Mitigation

Maulin P Shah
BEIL Infrastructure Limited, Gujarat, India

Applied & Industrial Microbiology, Microbial Genetics, Biochemical Engineering, Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Wastewater Engineering, Activated Sludge Process, Anammox, Nitrification, Denitrification, Modified Ludzack Ettinger Process (MLE), Advanced Oxidation Process, Bio electrochemical Oxidation Process, Toxic Pollutant Removal Technology, Biological System Improvement of Effluent Treatment Plant

Ashok Pandey
CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, India

Bioprocesses and Products Development, Biofuels, Industrial Enzymes, Biopolymers and Organic Acids, Development of Bioenergy Solutions for Rural Electrification, Waste Valorisation

Pradhan Parth Sarthi
Institution Central University of South Bihar, Gaya, India

Climate change, Extreme events, Monsoon studies

Gang Pei
University of Science and Technology of China, China

Thermal Engineering, Energy Systems, Renewable Energy Technologies, Solutions for Environmental Challenges in Asia

Richard Powell
University of Nottingham, UK

Buildings, Energy and Environment Research, Sustainable Urban Water Management

Namal Rathnayake
The University of Tokyo, Japan

Cyclone prediction, ML, AI, Fuzzy Logic

K. Srinivas Reddy
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai,India

Renewable Energy, Thermal Energy Systems, Solar Thermal Technology, Energy Conservation

Prakash Sarangi
College of Agriculture,  Central Agricultural University, Imphal, India

Waste biomass utilization, Bioconversion, Environmental sustainability, Green chemistry

Li Shao
Energy and Environmental Engineering Research Group,University of Reading, Reading,UK

Data based energy efficiency, Urban green infrastructure, Energy Demand Management, Building Performance Optimisation.

Kwok Wai Tham
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Indoor Air Quality and Human Effects, Building Performance and Energy Efficiency, Policies and Technologies for Sustainable Urban Environments

Chi-Hwa Wang
National University of Singapore, Singapore

Particle Technology, Drug Delivery Systems, Biomass Gasification, Flows and Dynamics of Granular Materials, Innovations in Waste Management Technologies, Renewable Energy Integration, Environmental Policy, Pollution Management

Ruzhu Wang
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Energy Utilization, Thermal Activated Cooling, Building Energy Saving, Solar Heating and Cooling Systems, Efficient Energy Solutions for Pollution Management

Liu Wen
University of Science and Technology of China, China

Optical Agriculture, Optical Communication Device Technology, Micro Nano Processing Technology and its application in optoelectronic devices, Photovoltaic Technologies for Environmental Monitoring

Yuying Yan
University of Nottingham, UK

Thermofluids and Modelling, Cooling Technology, Microchannel Cooling, Efficient Cooling Technologies to Address Heat and Water Stresses

Hongxing Yang
Department of Built Environment and Energy Engineering, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hongkong, China

Energy and Exergy Efficiency, Sustainable Air Conditioning Technologies, Solar Photovoltaic Systems.

Yi Yang
Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Beijing Normal University, Zhuhai, China

Novel catalyst/adsorbent development, Environmental engineering, Wastewater treatment, Separation and purification technology, Advanced oxidation processes

Lizhi Zhang
South China University of Technology, China

Enhanced Heat Transfer and Energy Conservation, Two-Phase Flow Dynamics, Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering, Sustainable Development, Environmental Policy, Water Stress Management

Xudong Zhao
School of Engineering,University of Hull, Hull,UK

Energy Storage Technologies, Solar Thermal Systems, Low-Carbon Energy Solutions.

Tianshou Zhao
Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Energy Engineering, Heat and Mass Transfer, Advanced Modeling, Development of Energy Technologies for Pollution Control

Yingxin Zhu
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

Human thermal comfort, indoor environmental quality, sustainable building technology

Walter Timo de Vries
School of Engineering and Design, Technische Universität München (TUM), Munich, Germany

Water and environmental risk management, Land management, Land administration

All members of the Editorial Board have identified their affiliated institutions or organizations, along with the corresponding country or geographic region. AccScience Publishing remains neutral with regard to any jurisdictional claims.
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Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Electronic ISSN: 1875-8568 Print ISSN: 0972-9860, Published by AccScience Publishing