Water Quality and Dissolved Heavy Metal Concentrations in Surface Water Collected from Kelana Jaya Lakes

Kelana Jaya lakes are public attraction for its recreational value. However, urban runoff and industrial wastes into these urban lakes could contaminate the environmental quality of the lakes. In this study, water samples from the five lakes of Kelana Jaya were monitored for temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate and dissolved concentrations of Cd, Cu and Zn, at four different sampling periods on 5 May, 5 June, 13 Oct and 1 Nov 2003. These physico-chemical parameters indicated that Lakes 1, 2, 4 and 5 were classified under ‘Class III’ (slightly polluted, recreational use, need treatment) while only Lake 3 was under ‘Class II’ (clean, recreational use with body contact) according to Malaysian DOE water quality classification (2002). Therefore, the overall poor water quality of Kelana Jaya Lakes indicated anthropogenic impact and future water quality monitoring and control of the wastes into the lakes are strongly recommended.
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