Morphological and Molecular Characterisation of Endophytic Fungi Isolated from Moringa oleifera Leaves in Iraq and Chemical Analysis of Leaves Extracts Using GC-Mass

Endophytic fungi are found inside plants, with no disease appearance; in contrast, they improve the growth of plants spatially in limited habitats. This study aimed to isolate and characterize, morphologically and genetically endophytic fungi gathered from Moringa oleifera leaves, as well as detect the chemical components in the leaves using GC-Mass spectrometry. the results obtained that 59 endophytic fungi isolates were detected, with a total colonisation rate of 84.26%. These fungi belong to 8 types, where Aspergillus was a predominated genus with 5 species. Besides, A. flavus was prevalent with a colonisation rate of 27.14, and A. niger with a rate of 15.71; Byssochlays spectabilis with a rate of 28%. Moreover, the result of chemical components analysis in leaves using GC-mass showed the presence of active 30 compounds. including oleic acid, phytol, octadecenoic acid, hexadecanoic acid, methyl ester and phenol.
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