Application of Ultra Fine Bubbles for Deoxygenation of Produced Water and Tap Water via Nitrogen Purging Scheme

In this study, we present our findings from examining a gas lift tower for produced and tap water de-oxygenation, applying the nitrogen purging at an ultra-fine bubble scale (18 μm average size). The experiments were conducted for produced water samples grafted with polyacrylamide concentration 300 ppm with a measured bulk viscosity of 5 mPa.s. Upon applying a series of experimental sets, 0 ppm DO was attained in all examined operational schemes (semi batch and once through) within various time limits, depending on the water level in the column. Considering the zero DO level as an objective function, the results showed an improvement of 5.7–14 folds in reaching the 0 ppm DO upon experimenting with the ultra-fine bubble purging in different schemes, compared with of the results obtained from the ordinary bubble size (mm scale). The results show that DO reached < 10 ppb within 23 minutes with nitrogen flowrate 3 L/min while DO reaching < 10 ppb within 28 minutes with nitrogen flowrate 5 L/min. Furthermore, implementing the ultra-fine bubble nitrogen purging was successful in running the de-oxygenation tower in a full continuous mode at a balanced inlet/outlet water flow rate. This has been done after reaching stability in the column operation (lasting around 1 hour for 422 L of examined water sample). The stable fine bubbles cloud in the column was quite efficient in treating water influent stream to be exited directly at 0 ppm DO within the same effluent flow rate. The treatment efficiency has shown an increase with increasing water level in the column, resulting in a denser layer/cloud of fine bubbles. This result suggests a unique approach/solution for the complete removal of DO from produced water, which is accounted effective to be adopted industrially
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