Morphological Study of Fabricated PVDF Based Hydrophobic Membrane for Different Additives and Coagulation Bath Temperature

The demand of membrane distillation (MD) has increased since last few decades for numerous applications. The membrane used in MD is hydrophobic; therefore, the focus has been emphasised on the development of a suitable membrane with desired microstructure. In this study, the flat sheet hydrophobic membrane of suitable properties has been casted with various additives such as water, ethane-di-ol, and propan-2-ol in dope solution using a non-solvent induced phase separation (NIPS) technique. The effect of water content in dope solution has been studied on casted membrane porosity and contact angle. The maximum contact angle and porosity were found to be 96° and 53.23% at 4 weight percent of water content in dope solution of PVDF polymer and di.methyl.acetamide as solvent. It was found that SEM micrograph when ethane-di-ol and propan-2-ol are used as an additive shows more finger-like pores and nodules, respectively, in the microstructure of the casted membrane. Furthermore, synergistic effects using water with other additives were also identified using SEM micrograph of casted membrane and it was observed that water with ethane-di-ol and propan-2-ol form contact angle of 98° and 105°, respectively, for 2 weight percent each additive in dope. In this study, the membrane was also cast by dissolving PVDF powder in di.methyl.acetamide solvent with lithium chloride and the effect of the temperature difference between coagulation bath and film temperature was investigated using an SEM micrograph. Overall, it was found that water content and temperature difference aid in developing hydrophobic porous membrane of desired properties for MD applications.
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