A Comparative Study on the Infiltration Characteristics of Soils in Srikakulam District, Andhra Pradesh, India
The groundwater resources are decreasing day by day as less amount of rainfall is contributing to natural recharge on one hand and on the other, there is rapid infra-structure development. So there is an urgent need for artificial recharge of groundwater. For effective planning and management of artificial recharge systems in an area, one needs to understand the infiltration characteristics of that region. The present study is aimed to estimate the infiltration characteristics based on the experimental data obtained by using double ring infiltrometer. This study has a scope for understanding the variation of the infiltration capacity with respect to space as well as time and identification of the most suitable mathematical model to be adopted for infiltration. The infiltration tests were conducted in the study area at ten locations in three different seasons and the infiltration capacity was modelled using Horton, Philip and Kostiakov. The model parameters obtained are highly fluctuating with respect to time and space indicating that the infiltration equation is highly location and season specific. The f0 and fc values (Horton’s model) are very high in the pre-monsoon season when compared to the post-monsoon season since the soil is dry and the ability of the soil to allow rain to permeate through it is very high. Horton’s model is considered as to be the best amongst the three models considered for this study based on the comparison with the field data.
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