Studies on Avifaunal Diversity of Santragachi Wetland, West Bengal, India

The present investigation reports the avifaunal diversity of Santragachi Jheel, which is a 12.75 ha wetland situated beside the Santragachi Railway Station (S.E. Rly), on the west bank of River Ganga, in the vicinity of Kolkata city. The period of investigation is between November 2009 and March 2010. The study site was found to be surrounded by dense human habitations, railway yards and small-scale industrial complexes. A total of 38 species of birds belonging to 23 families under 12 orders in which family Anatidae showed maximum density of 38 individuals. Order Passeriformes showed maximum family diversity of 10. Higher level of species diversity and richness reflects that further intensive studies are needed to make the complete checklist of the bird species of the Santragachi wetland as well as proper management of the area is essential for conservation of avifaunal diversity of the concerned study site.
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