Impact of the Bangshi River Water Quality on Irrigated Soil and Rice in Bangladesh

This study was conducted to investigate the impact of water quality of the Bangshi River, a part of the Bangshi-Turag system in the north-central (NC) region of Bangladesh, on irrigated soil, and growth and yield performances of rice (BRRIdhan-29) by selecting a polluted site (PS) and a pollution free control site (CS) along the river. Water and soil samples from both sites were collected on different growing stages of rice and analyzed on spots and in laboratories following standard methods and instruments. Growth and yield parameters of rice from both sites were collected through measurements and surveys in the rice fields and farmers’ households. The results of the study revealed that the values of pH, EC, DO, Cl, NH4-N, SAR, Cu, Fe, Mn, Pb, Cd, Ni and Cr in river water exceeded the safe limits for irrigation at the PS, whereas these parameters were within the safe limits at the CS. The contents of most nutrients (except B) as well as metals in soil were found to be higher at the PS than those of the CS. However, the most growth and yield parameters of rice (except the weights of unfilled/damaged grains and rice husks) were significantly lower at the PS than those of the CS, which might be due to the irrigation with water polluted mostly by untreated industrial effluents.
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