Cystic hygroma in a young adult: A case report and recent management

We are reporting a case of a 27-year-old young female who presented with right side neck swelling without any associated obstructive symptoms and any other grave signs and symptoms. She noticed a gradual increase in the size of the swelling within a period of 2 years. After investigation and surgical excision, the swelling was diagnosed as cystic hygroma. The root cause of the development of cervical lymphangioma is the congenital malformation of the developing lymphatic system. Cystic hygroma is benign in nature and the cause in adults is still unclear. The most common site of origin is in head and neck region, and cystic hygroma accounts for 75% of lymphatic malformations. The most common presentation of cystic hygroma is painless swelling with ill-defined lesion, most commonly located at the posterior triangle of the neck. The common age group is between birth and 2 years of age, with very rare presentation in adults. Hence, it is necessary to rule out all differential diagnosis of cervical lymphangioma, which is presented with cystic neck swelling. Complete surgical excision is the recommended standard treatment.
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