Bacopa monnieri supplementation has no effect on serum brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels but beneficially modulates nuclear factor kappa B and cyclic AMP response element-binding protein levels in healthy elderly subjects
Potentially harmful medication use and the associated factors among pregnant women visiting antenatal care clinics in Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital, Southwestern Uganda
No difference in treatment outcome between patients with nodal versus extranodal diffuse large B-cell lymphoma
A population-based survey on interarch malocclusion and background determinants
Etiological spectrum of isolated ileo-cecal ulcers in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms
Endurance training and MitoQ supplementation improve spatial memory, VEGF expression, and neurogenic factors in hippocampal tissue of rats
A case of colonic fecal impaction caused by excessive dietary fiber intake that was endoscopically treated with intra-fecal injection of a bowel-cleansing agent