Scope and challenges of machine learning-based diagnosis and prognosis in clinical dentistry: A literature review

Background: Machine learning has emerged as a branch of artificial intelligence dealing with the analysis of large amounts of data. The applications of machine learning algorithms have also expanded to health care, including Dentistry. Recent advances in this field point to future improvements in diagnostic techniques and the prognosis of various diseases of the teeth and other maxillofacial structures.
Aim: The aim of this literature review is to describe the basis for machine learning being applied to different dental sub-fields in recent years, to identify typical algorithms used in the studies, and to summarize the scope and challenges of using these techniques in dental clinical practice.
Relevance for patients: The proficiency of emerging technologies that have begun to show encouraging results in the diagnosis and prognosis of oral diseases can improve the precision in the selection of treatment for patients. It is necessary to understand the challenges associated with using these tools in order to effectively use them in dental services and ensure a higher quality of care for patients.
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