Surgical correction of pulmonary artery aneurysm with extrinsic compression of the left main coronary artery: A case report
Pulmonary artery aneurysm is a rare disease, with a poorly known natural history, complex diagnosis and may evolve with serious complications, such as compression of adjacent anatomical structures. In some cases the presence of such complications is what determines the symptoms and is the initial manifestation of the disease. This paper aims to report the case of a patient with typical angina, submitted to cardiac catheterization, which showed, among other lesions, severe left main coronary lesion with characteristics that led to the suspicion of extrinsic compression, which was identified as caused by a pulmonary artery aneurysm. The treatment chosen in this case was surgical, reported concurrently with a literature review that guided the medical team in their decision making.
Relevance for patients: Surgical correction of pulmonary artery aneurysm may provide resolution of coronary symptoms in affected individuals.
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