Esthetic characteristics of Mount Jingfu’s “Grotto-Heavens and Blissful Lands” landscape based on the cultural and regional disposition theory

To inherit the essential characteristics of regionality, diversity, and artistry of the landscape “Grotto-Heavens and Blissful Lands,” this study takes Mount Jingfu, a model of that in the Lingnan Region, as the research object. It is based on the Cultural and Regional Disposition Theory under landscape architecture esthetics and summarizes the esthetic features of Mount Jingfu from three dimensions: (i) regional and technical characteristics of adaptation to local conditions, elaborately utilizing and arranging the space, and drawing on local materials; (ii) social milieu of seeking inner pleasure and integrating different cultures, worshipping numeral immortals and benefiting the folks, and embracing simplicity and bold innovation; (iii) artistic and human qualities of clarity and quiescence, exquisiteness and elegance, and morality and righteousness. The study is conducive to promoting the regional conservation and living inheritance of Lianzhou’s culture of blissful lands and presenting the esthetic characteristics of renowned mountain landscape resources.
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