A study on optimizing public spaces in rural heritage tourist sites from spatial perception: The case of Jinggang historic town

The development of cultural and rural tourism has fostered the expansion of heritage sites while concurrently presenting challenges such as resource wastage and cultural degradation. Optimizing spatial use requires a comprehensive understanding of the dynamics inherent to these sites. An emerging trend involves the integration of human perception technology into spatial perception research. Thus, to examine the correlation between alterations in physical and visual environments, tourists’ perceived changes, and primary influencing elements in rural heritage tourism sites, Jinggang – a historic and cultural town in Changsha, Hunan province, China – was selected as the research site. A comprehensive interdisciplinary analysis was conducted by integrating physical environment data from public spaces. These data include air temperature (Ta), relative humidity (RH), wind speed (WS), equivalent sound pressure level (ESPL), visual environment data (including green view index [GVI], sky view index [SVI], road and pavement view index (R&PVI), and construction view index [CVI]), along with biosensing data (level of stress [LS]) collected from tourists. The findings indicate the following: (i) the LS of the public space in Jinggang falls within the normal range but remains generally high, with the humanistic landscape, dominated by traditional architecture, scoring higher than the natural landscape; (ii) regarding spatial perception, the quantity of physical environment elements influencing LS surpasses that of visual environment elements, and the most relevant indicators, including ESPL, R&PVI, and CVI, all contribute to tourists’ LS; and (iii) ESPL significantly influences LS within the environment domain, where higher environmental noise decibels correspond to tourists’ increased LS. The study concludes that historic towns possess distinct characteristics as types of rural heritage tourism sites. This study provides valuable insights into enhancing spatial environmental quality and promoting an appealing and sustainable rural setting by implementing public space optimization strategies in rural heritage sites.
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