This special issue calls upon scholars to share their work about positive youth development in the global context. Traditionally, the field has focused on the deficit approach to understand youth issues. The recent change in narratives of seeing youth as an asset to our society, and the use of a strength-based approach to understand our young people has contribute to the field of positive youth development. Instead of examining what does not work, it is time for us to investigate what works so that effective strategy can be designed and implement to promote positive development instead of preventing negative outcomes. This special issue will also focus on specific positive youth development in different cultural context because we need understand young people within their external socio-cultural environment. With the increase attention to the well-being of cultural minorities, this special issue also welcomes articles discussing the health of ethnic or indigenous youth minorities, including topics about racial/ethnic rights and justices.
News and Announcements
Submission Deadline:
20 August 2023
Special Issue Editor
Special Issue Information
Global youth health
Positive youth development
Cultural minority
Youth and children policy
Participatory approach
Quantitative analysis
Qualitative analysis
Mixed methods research
Young adults
Strength-based approach