Worry about eldercare in China: The role of family relations, socio-economic resources, and community services in 2000 and 2010

Using the survey on aged population in urban/rural China from 2000 and 2010, we aim to achieve the following three objectives: First, to document the general trend in older adults’ worry about eldercare, their family relations, socio-economic resources, and the availability of community services; second, to assess if improving socio-economic resources and availability of community services reduce older adults’ worry about eldercare; and third, to examine if family relations are still important during such social changes. Results show that older adults’ improving socioeconomic conditions and expanding community services are associated with less worry about eldercare. Meanwhile, family relations, measured by the number of children, living arrangements, and children’s filial piety, remain important. Our findings demonstrate that while building social welfare programs, including providing community services, certainly alleviates older adults’ worry about eldercare; they are no substitute for family ties, which should be facilitated rather than overlooked by public policies.
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