Towards a data users’ framework to advance Sustainable Development Goal 2

Ensuring effective accountability mechanisms will be a pre-requisite for achieving food and nutrition security and thus, advancing the progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 2 (SDG2). Here we discuss and summarise the findings of the ONE Campaign-facilitated accountability working group for data users, which deliberated between November 2015 and February 2016, and involved expert consultations from civil society organisations, research institutions, and academia. We provide an overview of the key challenges identified by data users in relation to nutrition and food security, propose a novel conceptual framework within which these challenges should be analysed, and offer a set of con-crete policy and programmatic recommendations to address the recurrent bottlenecks. The paper con-cludes by providing a summary of key findings within the larger context of relevant global initiatives and processes, such as Nutrition for Growth Summit, the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition network, and the United Nations General Assembly.
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