NEIL3 Regulates Paclitaxel Resistance Via P300-Mediated Modification of H3K27ac in TNBC
Objectives: To explored the function of NEIL3 in the Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) with PTX resistance. And the relationship between the NEIL3 and H3K27ac, and the underlying mechanisms were also detected.
Methods: The NEIL3 expression in the humaneTNBC and cells with PTX resistance was determined by qPCR and west- ern blot. The cell viability was detected by CCK-8. The NEIL3 was silenced or overexpressed to show its function on the cell viability, cell invasion,mitochondrial respiration (cellular oxygen consumption rates,OCR). The interaction between the NEIL3 and P300 was showed by Luciferase assay. And the chromatin immunoprecipitation assays were used to show the relationship between NEIL3 H3K27ac and P300.
Results: NEIL3 expression was low in the PTX resistance TNBC cancer tissue and MDA-MB-231, BT-20 cells. When the NEIL3 was silenced, the OCR, PTX resistance and invasion was promoted in MDA-MB-231 and BT-20 cells. While the NEIL3 overexpressed, the PTX resistance, invasion and OCR was inhibited. Silenced P300 can promote the interaction between the NEIL3 promoter and H3K27ac, leading to increase NEIL3 expression.
Conclusions: NEIL3 expression was regulated by P300 modifications of H3K27ac. P300 recruits to the promoter region of NEIL3 through acetylation of H3K27ac, synergistically inhibiting the transcription and expression of NEIL3, ultimately inducing the PTX resistance in TNBC.
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