Investigation on the Differentially Expressed Genes in HIGK Cells Treated with T.denticola and their Putative Association with HNSCC
Objectives: Treponema denticola (Td) is a bacterium commonly linked to periodontal diseases, but its role in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is not well understood. This study aimed to explore the role of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in HNSCC HIGK cells treated with T. denticola.
Methods: An observational study design using computational tools was employed to identify associations between DEGs in HIGK cells infected with T. denticola. The GEOmnibus dataset GSE207003 was used to pinpoint DEGs in Td-infected HIGK cells. Gene expression profiling and survival analysis for the top 25 genes were performed using the UALCAN database.
Results: Numerous DEGs were identified in HIGK cells infected with T. denticola. Among the top 25 genes, LAMC2 (p- value < 10-12), FN1 (p-value = 1.62 × 10-12), and TGFBI (p-value = 1.11 × 10-16) showed significant overexpression. These genes significantly impacted HNSCC patient survival, with high expression correlating with poor prognosis.
Conclusion: This study identified three key genes—LAMC2, FN1, and TGFB1—potentially linked to HNSCC develop- ment. While LAMC2 and FN1 are known oncogenes, TGFB1, typically a tumor suppressor, was found to act as an onco-gene in this context. Experimental validation is needed to confirm the role of T. denticola in carcinogenesis
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