Pain Ladder of the Palliative Care Center for Cancer Pain Management. A New Perspective from Turkey Based on EFIC Standards
It is known that the pathophysiology and treatment strategies of cancer pain, acute and chronic pain, which are not clearly classified in the traditional approach to pain management, are different. Cancer pain is the most common symptom seen after cancer diagnosis and 40% of cancer patients who have completed curative treatment experience chronic pain. Many physicians who encounter patients with intractable pain are known to be concerned about using potent opioids due to their potential side effects.
To be more successful against cancer pain, educational strategies to address concerns about treating pain with strong opioids should be planned and implemented regularly.
Palliative Care Centers in our country are key in the care of cancer patients and in the treatment of cancer pain. First of all, it is more appropriate that these centers are preferably under the responsibility of Anesthesiology and Reanimation specialists as stated in the law, and their knowledge and experience about the use of all analgesics, especially opioids, and their side effects will also provide a significant advantage.
In this article, we offer some recommendations for the implementation of the standards established by EFIC (The European Pain Federation) on the management of cancer pain in our country.
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