Evaluation of the Attitude of Anesthetists About Anaphylaxis in Turkey

Objectives: Anaphylactic reactions are important health problems encountered by anesthesiologists during anesthesia administration. The aim of the study was to determine the attitude of anesthesiologists regarding the management of anaphylactic reactions.
Methods: Anesthesiologists across the country were administered a questionnaire consisting of 24 questions that evaluated their attitude regarding anesthesia management in anaphylactic reactions.
Results: A total of 223 (70.4% female) anesthesiologists were included in our study. Participants’ level of knowledge for recognizing the signs of anaphylaxis was sufficient. Furthermore, 89.7% of the participants knew that anaphylaxis could occur without skin symptoms. The rate of using adrenalin for anaphylaxis treatment was 74.8%, and the proportion of participants who knew the dose correctly was 65%. The adrenalin administration route was stated as intravenous by 52.5% and intramuscular by 13.1% of the participants. The rate of preoperative questioning of the patient’s history of a drug and food allergy was 91.5% and 81.2%, respectively. The answers revealed that 61% of the participants were worried when administering anesthesia to a patient with history of drug allergy.
Conclusion: Although the knowledge of anesthetists regarding anaphylaxis is generally sufficient, its importance emphasized during specialized training should be continuously updated.
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