Intelligent Systems and Autonomous Mobile Robots; Networked robots and network enable systems/devices; Smart sensors, actuators and Mechatronics; Open to supervise; Sensor integration and Data fusion algorithms; Tele-rehabilitation, tele-care, tele-health, Intelligent wheelchairs; Genetic Algorithms, Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks in Robotics; Pervasive computing, mobile computing, eLearning; Distributed computer architecture and Parallel processing; AI and Robotics.
High-Performance Scientific Computing Based on Artificial Intelligence, Non-von Neumann Architecture Chips; Intelligent Image Processing Technology Based on Artificial Intelligence, High-Speed Application of Mathematical Algorithms.
Early Childhood Learning Sciences; Educational Robotics; Coding and Computational Thinking; STEAM Education (coding education, computational thinking education, AI literacy, makerspace, virtual worlds, early childhood engineering, etc.); Teacher Research and Professional Learning (curriculum-based professional learning [CBPL], video clubs, etc.); Social-Emotional Learning and Wellbeing.
Theory and Applications of Fuzzy Control; Fuzzy Systems; Machine Learning; System Modeling; Control Systems; Fuzzy Discrete Event Systems; Multi-Agent Systems; Image/Signal Processing; Expert Systems.
Human-Robot Interaction; Human Factors Engineering; Healthcare Systems; Automation; Interaction Design; Intelligent Systems Development; Embedded Systems.