Embodied Intelligence and Robotics
Editor-in-Chief: Hamid Reza Karimi View Editorial Board

"Embodied Intelligence and Robotics" is an international, high-impact academic journal dedicated to exploring the profound relationship between embodied intelligence and robotics, along with their intersections and applications across various domains.

Embodied intelligence has emerged as a significant research focus within artificial intelligence and cognitive science in recent years, emphasizing the cognitive capabilities of intelligences in interaction with their bodies and environments. Unlike the traditional approaches to intelligence based on symbolic processing and abstract computation, embodied intelligence advocates that cognition is not solely dominated by the brain. Instead, it is realized through the close connection and interaction between the body, perception, and action and the external environment. This concept has been widely applied and practiced in robotics, particularly in areas such as intelligent robotics, human-robot collaboration, multimodal perception and control, and swarm robotics, which have shown remarkable innovations in these fields.

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Embodied Intelligence and Robotics, Published by AccScience Publishing