Metastatic malignant Melanoma of the Maxillary Gingiva: A Case Report

Background: Mucosal malignant melanoma is a rare but aggressive tumor of the oral cavity that accounts for only 0.2-8% of all melanomas. it can take different forms. a biopsy with histopathologic examination is recommended to confirm the diagnosis. Because of its less favorable prognosis an early diagnosis is preferred. Methods: a 54 years old patient presented with submandibular swelling. an examination of the oral cavity revealed a melanotic lesion on the maxillary mucosa. Results: The examination found a sessile black-brown nodular lesion located on the maxillary gingiva measuring 2cm. anatomopathological analysis concluded to a primary malignant melanoma of the gingiva positive to HMB45 and S1000. No other lesions were found on the complete body CT scan. Conclusion: Malignant melanoma has a poor prognosis, because of its aggressivity, and difficulty of the treatment. Earlier recognition of this condition makes the diagnosis easier.
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