Application of the concept of neural networks surgery in cerebrovascular disease treatment

Based on advanced techniques, both the brain structural network and functional network can be reflected, giving rise to a new field: neural networks. Entering the 21st century, along with the extensive research on neural networks and the digital brain imaging field of neuromodulation, the neurosurgical field has entered into a novel stage: neural networks surgery. Neural networks surgery was developed to devote to protecting the cognitive function of patients with central nervous system diseases. By lucubrate, multiple new views of cerebrovascular disease have emerged. In this paper, we review the applications of this novel concept in treating cerebrovascular diseases, primarily through three aspects: disease mechanism, progression, and treatment strategy. Based on recent research, the development of a novel treatment system for cerebrovascular diseases might help clarify the course of these diseases, provide optimal treatment strategies, and protect the cognitive function of patients to the greatest extent.
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