Percutaneous management of Lutembacher’s syndrome: A case report

The definitive percutaneous management of Lutembacher’s syndrome (LS) is a recognized alternative to surgery in selected cases. This intervention involves balloon mitral valvuloplasty (BMV) followed by device closure of the atrial septal defect (ASD). However, despite its recognition, certain challenges inherent to the procedure have not been highlighted in the majority of earlier case reports. The subject of the present case is a 30-year-old male diagnosed with LS who underwent definitive percutaneous treatment. The coexisting ASD required improvisation to facilitate balloon insertion across the mitral valve using the modified Inoue technique. Furthermore, the ASD device was deliberately oversized to prevent device embolization. This case highlights that percutaneous management of LS is not merely a combination of BMV and device closure procedures. Instead, the unique anatomic and hemodynamic features of LS should be considered when formulating treatment strategies for these patients.
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