Effect of Inorganic Pollutants on Body Structures of the Pomfret, Pampus argenteus (Stromatidae: Perciformes)

The intensification of environmental stress greatly contributes to the significant rise of trace metal pollution in Kuwaiti water resources making threats on aquatic life. This instigated us to determine the trace metals (Pb, Ni, V, Cd and As), on the commercially relished Pomfret, Pampus argenteus and also in relation to nutrient levels in seawater. The sequence of Pb>Cd>Ni>V>As levels was observed in both Kuwait Bay and coastal waters sites. Nutrient levels were observed in the sequence of Silicate>Nitrate>Phosphate in both the sites. Observations showed high trace metals and nutrient levels in Kuwait Bay than in the coastal waters. Among the three body parts, observation showed high trace metal concentrations in otolith followed by dorsal fin and eye lens. This study showed significant correlation between fish length (15-30 cm) and the body parts. The overall bioaccumulation factor (BAF) in their body parts was in the sequence of As>V>Ni>Cd>Pb and high in Kuwait Bay than in the coastal waters. High trace metals bioaccumulation was observed in dorsal fins followed by otolith and eye lens. These results validate hard parts of P. argenteus as an indicator of trace metal pollution other than its use in the aging studies.
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