Environmental Quantification of Heavy Metals in the Subarnarekha, Estuary and Near-shore Environment, East Coast of India

Concentration of heayy metals (Pb, Cd. Hg. Cu, Ni. Co, Cr, n and Fe) in the sediments was measuredfrom the river, estuarine and coastal environment offSubarnarekha River, Bay ofBengal. The degree of contaminationof the sediments was evaluated through enrichment factor (EF), geo-accumulation index (lgeo) and pollution loadindex (PLI). The high ER's and lgeo values for Cu and Cr were due to the chromite and copper mines, and Cu oreprocessing plants situated on the upstream catchments of the river. PLI for Subarnarekha estuary and coastaenvironments were calculated with respect to world surface rock average, where the site indices are greater thanunity, ultivariate statistical analysis like factor and cluster analysis were performed in order to assess the geochemicalprocesses responsible for heavy metal distributions and relationship between stations respectively.
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