Water Supply-Demand Forecasting Using the WEAP Model for Kalyan Dombivili City

This study aims to make a quantitative prediction of the water supply and demand gap for the Indian city of Kalyan-Dombivili up to the year 2051. The study uses a decision-support tool called the Water Evaluation and Planning (WEAP) Model to consider the existing reservoir and different alterations to the current water supply system. Outcomes from this modeling study of the water resources system of the Kalyan Dombivili city indicate that with an increase in the reliability of water supply with the recycling of rainwater, the future demand-supply gap has a reliability of 47%. Secondly, with the increased reservoir capacity, water availability will be increased by 51.2%. However, with the existing reservoir alone, water availability will be increased by 49.4%, and effluent use will be up to 99% with the proposed new reservoir and Sewage Treatment Plant (STP).
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