Relationship Between Winds with Surface Roughness and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations Over Iraq

The methodology used in the study is based on hourly and monthly rates (wind speed and direction, CO2, and surface roughness) obtained from the European Center for Numerical Weather Prediction at 30 sites in Iraq in 2020. The results showed that the maximum wind speed was 4 m/s at 12:00 noon, while the prevailing wind direction for all sites in Iraq was towards the northwest (NW) and the minimum wind speed was 2 m/s at 00:00 AM. By analysing the monthly wind speed and direction for some selected stations, it was found that the highest value of (SW), i.e., 64% was recorded at Rutba station, and the lowest value of (SW) at Basra station was 45%, where the prevailing direction was found to be towards the north-northwest (NNW). The spatial analysis concluded that the wind movement is directed from the north and northwest, explaining that the wind reverses its direction from the mountainous heights to flat lands due to the roughness of the surface in the northern regions above the stations of Iraq. Spearman’s test was carried out between wind speed and surface roughness, and between carbon dioxide and surface roughness. It was found that the correlation strength is weak, and the relationship is inverse between surface roughness and wind speed. This analysis is considered the best way to choose the best wind power plants.
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