A Study of Air Pollution on Kharg Island in the South of Iran
Nowadays the development of oil industry has severe effects on environmental pollution. The problem begins from simple crude oil separation units to large refineries. As a case study we chose Kharg Island in which several production units and oily pits are active.
This paper is in connection with a research work in two successive years (2000 and 2001) in which monthly concentration of total active sulfur compounds were measured in six stations; in parallel, measurement of sulfur dioxide and meteorological parameters in two seasons (Fall 2000 and Summer 2001) in two other locations have been covered.
In this research work, sources, effects and standards of discussed pollutants are investigated and their relation to emission sources have been evaluated. Subsequently the results of measurements in different stations are compared with each other and with standard limits.
Annual Book of ASTM standards (1998). Vol. 11.03 Atmospheric Analysis. American Society for Testing and Materials, 48-53.
Environmental Regulations and Standards, 1st edn. (1999). Environmental Protection Agency of Iran, Ziba Publisher. Wyoming Air Quality Regulations and Standards, USA, 1997.