Assessment of Pollution Load in Terms of Water Quality Index and Modelling of Taladanda Canal and Mahanadi River in Paradip Area, Odisha, India

The modelling of water quality is an integrated source of good management, which benefits the environment and its people. In the present study, the quality of water was measured in terms of physicochemical analysis and WQI. This analysis facilitates the eco-management study of the water. In this article, we have measured the quality of the water in Taladanda canal and river Mahanadi nearby Paradip area in terms of WQI for the year 2017. Five different sampling stations were selected from Taladanda canal and nine sampling points were selected from river Mahanadi. It was found that the water quality index in most of the areas was much higher, however, the water is of poor quality. But in PPL site areas, the quality of water was found to be very poor and not suitable for human use. The pollution load was found to be much higher in the Taladanda canal and moderate in Mahanadi River near the Paradip area.
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