AccScience Publishing / AJWEP / Volume 19 / Issue 6 / DOI: 10.3233/AJW220086

Adaptation Practices by the Farmers for Reduction of Salinisation Problem in the Paddy Fields of South-Eastern Coast of Bangladesh

Prabal Barua1* Syed Hafizur Rahman2 Saeid Eslamian3
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1 Department of Knowledge Management for Development, Young Power in Social Action, Chittagong, Bangladesh
2 Department of Environmental Sciences, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh
3 Center of Excellence in Risk Management and Natural Hazards, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
AJWEP 2022, 19(6), 37–44;
Submitted: 5 October 2019 | Revised: 21 February 2022 | Accepted: 21 February 2022 | Published: 14 November 2022
© 2022 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution -Noncommercial 4.0 International License (CC-by the license) ( )

Climate change has become the biggest risk to the nutritional and food security of the planet worldwide. Rising temperatures, uneven rainfall, cyclones and droughts are unfavourably impacting agricultural production, which, in turn, is creating an elevated vulnerability to the livelihood of Bangladesh’s huge population. Bangladesh is an agrarian country and almost half of the population depends on agriculture activities as a profession. But the agriculture sector of the country is experiencing adverse impacts at various levels and ways because of climate change-induced natural hazards. The present study was done to explore the salinity intrusion problem, soil fertility and rice production in the study areas. Besides, the authors also discover some indigenous knowledge-based adaptation and coping practices of the farmers for reducing the impact of climate change in the study areas. The study disclosed that salinity intrusion into the surface water recorded at high values everywhere and the quality of the sediments was alarming. According to the experiences of the farmers, knowledge and resources, they looked for adaptation strategies to cope with the changing climatic situation. The study will help to demonstrate adaptation practices by the farmers for reducing the salinity level of the agriculture field which will be effective in the vulnerable areas of other parts of the country and worldwide while the area was affected by the salinisation problem.

Climate change
agriculture land
adaptation practices

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Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Electronic ISSN: 1875-8568 Print ISSN: 0972-9860, Published by AccScience Publishing