AccScience Publishing / AJWEP / Volume 12 / Issue 2 / DOI: 10.3233/AJW-2015-12_2_02

Environmental Magnetism of Roadside Soil  Contamination in the Restricted Bijyodaira Area of Mt. Tateyama, Toyama, Japan

Kazuo Kawasaki1* Keiji Horikawa1 Hideo Sakai1
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1 Section of Earth and Environmental Systems, University of Toyama Toyama-shi, Toyama, Japan. 930-8555
AJWEP 2015, 12(2), 1–11;
Submitted: 26 January 2015 | Revised: 3 March 2015 | Accepted: 3 March 2015 | Published: 1 January 2015
© 2015 by the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( )

Environmental magnetic techniques have been shown to be highly useful for investigating roadside  pollution in Europe, North America and Asia. However, no studies have reported such magnetic monitoring in  Japan. Here we report environmental magnetic results along the Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine route at the Bijyodaira  area of Mt. Tateyama in Toyama, which is part of the Special Protection Zone of the Chubu Sangaku National Park.  In-field susceptibility measurements from 17 sites (297 points) as well as in-laboratory susceptibility measurements  from six sites (75 surface and auger core soil samples) show higher susceptibilities near the roadside and a positive  correlation between the susceptibility and heavy metal contents. Also, the concentration of the magnetic minerals  and associated heavy metals near the surface shows less vertical downward migration of these materials below  15 cm from surface. Rock magnetic analyses indicate that: (a) the major magnetic minerals are pseudosingle- and  multi-domain magnetite and/or titanomagnetite; (b) the closer the road side, the more anthropogenic magnetite  is present; and (c) most pollutants derived from the vehicles are deposited within a few metre distances from the  road through the area. Overall, the results show that environmental magnetic techniques are suitable for studying  pollution associated with vehicle traffic elsewhere in Japan.

Environmental magnetism
magnetic properties
roadside soil contamination
national park
Conflict of interest
The authors declare they have no competing interests.
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Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution, Electronic ISSN: 1875-8568 Print ISSN: 0972-9860, Published by AccScience Publishing