Enhancing clinical and translational research in Africa: a comprehensive exploration of challenges and opportunities for advancement

Background: Clinical and translational research in Africa faces challenges from limited infrastructure, resource scarcity, and a high disease burden. However, the continent offers promising opportunities with diverse populations, unique genetics, biodiversity, and traditional medicine practices.
Aim: This research aims to comprehensively understand the challenges and opportunities in clinical and translational research in Africa.
Conclusion: We highlight the immense potential for advancing clinical and translational research in Africa while addressing researchers’ challenges. By leveraging opportunities, investing in research infrastructure, and prioritizing participant protection, African countries can make significant strides in healthcare advancements and contribute to global research efforts. This study presents a roadmap for policymakers, stakeholders, and researchers to collaboratively work towards enhancing clinical and translational research in Africa, ultimately leading to improved healthcare outcomes and addressing the continent's unique health needs.
Significance for patients: Strengthening clinical and translational research in Africa allows the investigation of disease factors specific to African populations, leading to the development of evidence-based interventions that are more effective in addressing the continent's health challenges. This will ultimately improve healthcare outcomes for African patients and impact global scientific knowledge.
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