Evaluation of the periodontal disease on oral microorganisms during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Background and aim: In the present study, the potential changes of oral microbes during pregnancy were investigated by examining the findings of previous studies and comprehensively examining their results. The relationship between oral microorganisms and birth outcomes and adverse labor outcomes was investigated; to provide sufficient evidence. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate periodontal disease in oral microorganisms during pregnancy.
Materials and methods: All articles were published between January 2011 and January 2023 in international databases, including PubMed, Scopus, Science Direct, and Embase. In order to answer the research questions, the Google Scholar search engine employed the PECO strategy. STATA.V17 software was used to analyze the data.
Results: 218 studies were found in the initial search; 63 full texts were reviewed; and finally, 14 articles were included in the analysis. The mean differences in salivary S. mutans carriage before and after prenatal dental treatment was 0.92 (MD; 95 CI (0.57, 1.27), p>0.05). The odds ratio of association between perinatal mortality and periodontal treatment was -0.88 (OR; 95 CI (-2.53, 0.76), p>0.05) and the odds ratio of association between preterm birth and periodontal treatment was -0.31 (OR; 95 CI (-0.70, 0.09), p>0.05). There was a statistically significant relationship between birth weight and periodontal treatment during pregnancy.
Conclusion: According to the present meta-analysis, periodontal treatment can reduce the odds ratio of perinatal mortality and preterm birth by 88% and 31%, respectively. high association of microorganisms between pregnancy and postpartum requires further study.
Relevance for patients: In the findings of the present study, it is observed that during pregnancy, there is a direct relationship between periodontal disease with low birth weight, perinatal mortality, and preterm delivery; however, the high association of microorganisms between pregnancy and postpartum requires further study. Oral microforms are reported to be affected in pregnant women, and they should take extra care of their mouth and teeth. Sufficient and strong evidence can help improve the health outcomes of mothers and children.
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