Correlation between students’ Bruininks–Oseretsky test scores and cavity preparation performance on layered base plate blocks

Background: Hand skills are a crucial competency for practicing dentistry. However, assessing candidates’ skill levels during dental school admissions in the United States is not a standard criterion due to the absence of accurate tools. Consequently, some students struggle to develop these skills, leading to dropouts, financial losses (i.e., tuition and living expenses), and an increased burden on the faculty to support struggling students.
Aim: This study aims to assess the correlation between student scores on the Bruininks–Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency 2 (BOT-2) and cavity preparation performance on Learn-A-Prep II (LAP II) layered base plate blocks.
Methods: First-year dental students completed the BOT-2. A total score and subtest scores, evaluating fine motor precision (seven tasks), fine motor integration (eight tasks), and manual dexterity (five tasks), were calculated. Students were also given basic handpiece training and visual and verbal project criteria for using the LAP II. They were then instructed to independently prepare LAP II patterns within the pattern lines at a specified depth. Scores for the BOT-2 were compared with LAP II performance (excellent, moderate, or poor).
Results: Forty-two students participated in the study. A general linear model (a combination of both regression and analysis of variance tests) was used to compare outcomes between students with excellent and poor performance. A strong correlation was found between the BOT-2 total scores and LAP II performance (P = 0.04). No correlation was found when comparing the performance of moderate students with that of excellent and poor students. The manual dexterity BOT-2 scores were correlated with LAP II performance (P = 0.01), but fine motor precision and fine motor integration BOT-2 scores were not (both P > 0.12).
Conclusion: Results of the current study suggested that scores for the BOT-2 manual dexterity subtest reliably identified dental students with either excellent or poor hand skills. Dental educators should consider using the BOT-2 as a predictive tool to identify the innate hand skills of students.
Relevance for Patients: Identifying candidates with strong hand skills during dental school admissions enables schools to select students better equipped to excel in clinical training and enhance the quality of patient care provided.
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