Disappearance of vernacular character in rural residences: An assessment of residents’ requirements for rural residential façades and environments in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China

This study, framed within the context of the Harmonious and Beautiful Countryside policy, focuses on optimizing the living environment of rural housing by addressing the loss of diverse heritage in rural architecture and landscapes. Through fieldwork and importance-performance analysis methods, the research investigates the façades and environments of rural houses in Suzhou, Jiangsu, China. By incorporating the “vernacular” evaluation factors identified in previous studies, this study adopts a user-centered perspective to provide practical insights into rural cultural landscapes, thereby augmenting existing literature. The study reconstructs elements of rural residences and their environments to enhance residents’ comprehension and yield more objective evaluation outcomes. Analysis reveals that both native and non-native residents share similar views on the importance and performance of various factors. Environmental quality and building functionality emerge as top priorities for residents, while Suzhou’s efforts to preserve traditional architectural esthetics are notably effective. However, field observations also highlight urbanization’s impact on rural housing, such as the use of non-native materials that compromise traditional rural architectural styles. To tackle these challenges, this study proposes the following strategies for rural regeneration: (i) permit integration of new materials, technologies, and spatial configurations with traditional rural architecture; (ii) incorporate historical context, cultural continuity, traditional materials, and lifestyle needs into building renovations; and (iii) establish a dynamic regulatory mechanism for rural residential architecture to aid residents in optimizing their buildings and surroundings. These strategies aim to mitigate the effects of excessive urbanization and provide a user-centered approach for future research on rural cultural landscapes.
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