Analysis of the indoor wind environment in buildings on the Qinghai-Tibet plateau of China: A case study of the Dege Scripture Printing House

The Dege Scripture Printing House (DSPH), built in 1729, is located on the southeastern edge of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and serves as a significant center for Tibetan Buddhism culture. Compared to typical Tibetan architecture, DSPH features unique characteristics, such as its substantial size, diverse structures, and adaptability to the local climate. The surrounding topography of DSPH primarily comprises plateaus and hilly plains, and the region experiences a continental plateau monsoon climate. This climate is characterized by cold temperatures due to high altitude, low precipitation, long sunshine hours, dry air, long winters, short summers, and intense solar radiation. To thoroughly assess the ventilation status of DSPH, a 3D scan of the building, physical environment tests, and indoor wind environment simulations were carried out. The field test results show that the unique architectural design of DSPH helps mitigate the impact of the harsh climate on indoor activities. By analyzing and evaluating the wind environment of DSPH, locally adapted climate resilience practices are summarized, and the physical properties of buildings characteristic of the Tibetan plateau are clarified. These findings provide a reference for promoting the development of local climate-adapted buildings, preserving traditional architectural culture, and promoting the integration of modern architecture with traditional culture. Furthermore, this study represents an important step toward enhancing energy efficiency and green building practices in ethnic minority settlements, contributing to sustainable development in the region.
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