The role of personal and collective factors in driving residents’ willingness to engage in tourism at cultural heritage sites: A case study of the Ming Tombs Scenic Area, Beijing, China

Cultural heritage sites, celebrated for their unique historical and cultural significance, are increasingly recognized as key drivers of tourism development. Local residents, as crucial stakeholders, play a pivotal role in the sustainable development and conservation of these sites through their emotional and behavioral engagement. This study delves into the multifaceted determinants – spanning individual and collective levels – that influence residents’ willingness to engage in cultural heritage tourism. Focusing on the Ming Tombs Scenic Area in Beijing, China, a UNESCO World Heritage site, this research draws on data from 202 meticulously collected and validated questionnaires completed by residents. By integrating the cognitive–emotional–behavioral framework with community embeddedness theory and employing structural equation modeling, this study identifies the pivotal factors driving residents’ willingness to engage in tourism development. The findings underscore the substantial influence of residents’ cognitive evaluations of heritage values on their emotional attachment to the locale, which, in turn, shapes their behavioral intentions toward tourism development. Furthermore, the research reveals that community embeddedness significantly impacts both residents’ perceptions of heritage value and their behavioral intentions. This research emphasizes the necessity of aligning residents’ personal sentiments with broader community dynamics to promote sustainable tourism development at cultural heritage sites. The insights provide valuable guidance for policymakers and industry professionals in achieving a delicate balance between cultural heritage preservation, community welfare enhancement, and economic development within the heritage tourism sector.
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