Top-down rural heritage revitalization and economic development: A case study of Tangwei village, Dongguan, Guangdong, China

Tangwei village, located in Dongguan’s rapidly urbanizing Pearl River Delta region, Guangdong, illustrates the challenges and opportunities of balancing heritage preservation with rural revitalization in contemporary China. Designated as a major cultural heritage site in 2006, the village’s preservation strategies reflect the interplay between provincial policies, local government planning, and a broader national emphasis on tourism-driven economic development. This research examines how government-led rural heritage revitalization initiatives shape cultural preservation in Tangwei village. By analyzing this historic village – designated as a Major Cultural Heritage Site under National-level Protection in 2006 – the study reveals how local authorities strategically leverage cultural symbols and heritage practices to promote tourism development, often in ways disconnected from authentic community traditions. The findings demonstrate that while heritage tourism initiatives aim to enhance the village’s visibility and economic group, their top-down implementation primarily serves government economic objectives rather than addressing community preservation needs. Drawing on fieldwork, visual documentation, oral histories, and textual analysis, the study illuminates the complex dynamics between local governance, tourism development imperatives, and rural heritage preservation in contemporary China. It underscores how traditional cultural practices are increasingly commodified and detached from local communities through standardized festivals and artistic interventions. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how state-driven rural revitalization policies reshape heritage landscapes and alter community relationships with traditional spaces in rapidly urbanizing regions.
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