News and Announcements
Editorial Board
Associate Editors

Children's Hospital and School of Medicine, China Medical University, TaiChung, Taiwan province of China
Structural/congenital cardiovascular disease; Kawasaki Disease; Ultasound/echocardiography; Digital medicine; Interventional cardiovascular disease treatment; Hypertension; Metabolic heart disease and cardiovascular health promotion; Pediatric intensive care; Pediatric thoracic medicine; Perinatal fetal and neonatal medicine
Editorial Board Members

Medical Director Pituitary Unit, Department of Biomedical and Neuromotor Sciences, University of Bologna; IRCCS Institute of Neurological Sciences of Bologna, Bellaria Hospital, Bologna, Italy
pediatric endocrinology, auxology, pediatric pituitary tumors, growth hormone (GH)

Department of Pediatrics, Taipei Hospital Ministry of Health and Welfare; School of Medicine, National Yang-Ming University; College of Public Health, China Medical University, Taiwan province of China
smart health care, microbiome, genetic epidemiology, environmental epigenetics, pediatric environmental health, cohort study, outbreak investigation and risk management
Youth Editorial Board Members
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